Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 3

man this program is exhausting in a good way. We haven't even really done much but I feel like vie been doing so much by the end of the day! Tomorrow we go to our first outreach... I can't wait!!!

Today we first took the spiritual gifts test... my first gift is COMPASSION... and that was everyone elses lowest!!! it was so funny to hear each persons unique giftings. Angela is a perceived ( surprise, surprise:) as well as Brad and Colin.
we also had our first Old Testament class... spoken in english AND Spanish:) Yay!
I LOVED learning just simple stuff and basic stuff about the word and why the old testament is so important and vital.
tonight we met at Joey Profitts House and had dinner with us GBCers and another missions group called Tracks... something. I feel bad... I Can't remember the name... But I DO remember their names! We had a meeting about First Priority and how we will be partnering with different high school campuses around the greater Nashville Area. I cannot wait to get back into high school... to the world that may sound crazy but I has a heart and passion for my generation that grows everyday... I want them to learn from my mistakes, and grow from that point into a greater person... and ultimately for them to come to know Jesus Christ! I want to show them love, affection, compassion, and serve them, not so they see me but so they will see Christ.
be in prayer for the high and middle schools around the area ad the youth pastors or greater unity and involvement in the local youths lives!!!

Thanks all! Goodnight: I maybe able to blog more this weekend when I have time to actually sit down, breathe, and think:)

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