Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 3

man this program is exhausting in a good way. We haven't even really done much but I feel like vie been doing so much by the end of the day! Tomorrow we go to our first outreach... I can't wait!!!

Today we first took the spiritual gifts test... my first gift is COMPASSION... and that was everyone elses lowest!!! it was so funny to hear each persons unique giftings. Angela is a perceived ( surprise, surprise:) as well as Brad and Colin.
we also had our first Old Testament class... spoken in english AND Spanish:) Yay!
I LOVED learning just simple stuff and basic stuff about the word and why the old testament is so important and vital.
tonight we met at Joey Profitts House and had dinner with us GBCers and another missions group called Tracks... something. I feel bad... I Can't remember the name... But I DO remember their names! We had a meeting about First Priority and how we will be partnering with different high school campuses around the greater Nashville Area. I cannot wait to get back into high school... to the world that may sound crazy but I has a heart and passion for my generation that grows everyday... I want them to learn from my mistakes, and grow from that point into a greater person... and ultimately for them to come to know Jesus Christ! I want to show them love, affection, compassion, and serve them, not so they see me but so they will see Christ.
be in prayer for the high and middle schools around the area ad the youth pastors or greater unity and involvement in the local youths lives!!!

Thanks all! Goodnight: I maybe able to blog more this weekend when I have time to actually sit down, breathe, and think:)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 2

Today we had time with the student interns at Debrief.. it was awesome to hear from Toni about schedule... and about not letting old things into our new season.. just what I needed to hear. it is also where we found out we would NOT be starting classes today but next week. So today we had our first Spanish lesson! it was AMAZING! I cannot wait to know and have this language to speak with those in whatever country we go to! Bryan our teacher was telling us that each gift we have is a tool.. and the gift of language and spanish is a tool.

tonight we celebrated Brads birthday. It was so fun.. his mom made us 5 dinner and we laughed.. and laughed.. and laughed so much...this is already such a fun season to be in and I cannot wait to see the growth we all encounter as we move forward as a group and as individuals. we spent time praying over him, exhorting him, and encouraging him with his whole family and Rachel Empey and Amy Conner:) so much fun talking with them. Then Lisa wanted to pray for us GBCers. it was such a powerful time. Please be praying for us for;
unity within our team. That we would not allow the enemy ANY room in our hearts, minds, or lives!!!
provision: this program is not free;) pray that God would provide for us in miraculous ways, testing our faith and trust in Him!
wisdom: wisdom for our schedules.. how much to work, how much to spend resting, what to do with "free time", setting up study time.

those are just a few things to pray for us.
thanks everyone for your prayers. I, we appreciate and need them so much.

I'm tired. Again. and Mitch STILL has not told us our mentors:) Lords teachin me patience!!!
Goodnight all!

/// Hannah

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 1- Orientation

Wow. I'm on information overload. Today was crazy! we got to church by 8 and had a time of worship that was just purely worshippers wholeheartedly worshipping the Lord. It was amazing to be a part... whereas in Uturn we are really learning to let our voices be heard while speaking praise during the waiting time, and instrumental breaks and such... this morning... it was like a roar of praise.. I could hear all the voices rising up to praise our Savior. It was beautiful, it was powerful. It was comforting. The lord comforted my fears, I silenced the enemy and allowed myself to grow excited during worship! Then Pastor Dale got up and spoke and ( as usual) it hit me to the core. His words are so convicting, his passion and His fervor so contagious!
we then proceeded to have what will become a Tuesday morning routine- Family Breakfast! So much fun being with all the leaders, all the pastors, all the new people, and new faces. I loved it.. it was a beautiful picture of genders and generations.
After that we moved onto our "classroom"... which is the new Song nursery:)! and Morgan talked with us for a little while, and then Mitch came in and asked if we liked coffee.. to which everyone responded yes EXCEPT for Brad... so Mitch decided to move us to Starbucks... yay! I LOVE spontaneity!
This became our orientation time that started off with Mitch telling us her story, her testimony. it was truly incredible. The redemptive power of Christ. How he can take someone so broken, so battered, so addicted, so stuck... and make them into a woman like Mitch!! I aspire to be like her in so many ways... how she carries herself, how she uses her humor and her personality, how she spends her time so purposefully... I cannot wait to get to know her more. Oh yeah, were gonna find out our mentors tomorrow.. she wouldn't tell us today!!!!! so I cannot wait to find out who it is the Lord has assigned to me for the next 9 months!!!
Anyway, then Morgan shared a little of her testimony which was as well a powerful picture of Gods love and undying pursuit of us as His children! Then we got down to the Nitty Gritty as Nacho Libre so eloquently puts it.
we went through a couple hours of reading through the packets and listening to the heart of the program and asking questions and getting logistical stuff figured out.
So that's basically it! it was a good first day... I cant wait to get rollin and get out in the community and start DOING!I'm very tired. It's late. I have to be up in 6 hours. Goodnight all.

Monday, August 16, 2010

New Way, New Day

My mentor Danielle wrote that phrase in a card she recently wrote to me. This is truly a New Day, and a New Way.

August 17. Tomorrow. It's not just any day. It's not just any Tuesday...tomorrow, I enter a 9 month missions and discipleship program called Global Bootcamp, along with my friends Briana Yankie, Colin Weaver, Angela Detweiler and Brad Oliver( The coolest, most passionate and best friends I could have asked God for!)I feel so blessed, honored, and excited to get to serve with these 4 people. They have been my closest friends over the past several years, and I cannot wait to walk through this season with them.

Global Bootcamp will consist of 5 months of classes- including learning Spanish..and local missions trips and service projects around Nashville. After the 5 months are finished we will pack up our suitcases and move to a foreign country for 3 months. The Location is TBD..(they're looking at Mexico or Dominican Republic) but to be honest...I do not have a preference...I will go ANYWHERE! And I know the rest of the gang will too!

Man, it's almost like Christmas, ya know? Like you wait for it all year...and Christmas Eve is like the hardest night...That's how I feel! I have been counting down to this day for over a year now. I wish I could describe to you how I feel...excited...nervous....EXCITED....expectant, ready...EXCITED...and many many more emotions. I just can't believe it's here. It's here!! Senior Year is done, Graduation is done, High school is done, I am here. I am truly moving onto a NEW chapter in my life... like, REALLY new.

A new season of serving.
A new season of worshiping.
A new season of friendships.
A new season of commitments.
A new season of leadership.
A new season of submission.
A new season of listening.
A new season of growing.
A new season of partnering.
A new season of learning.

These next 9 months, I know will twist me, turn me inside out, push me, strip me, teach me, grow me, stretch me....but I want it. I need it. I am ready for it. I am ready for change.

So here's to tomorrow..Day 1 of the 9 months that know will change the way I love, the way I serve, and the the way I live.