Monday, August 16, 2010

New Way, New Day

My mentor Danielle wrote that phrase in a card she recently wrote to me. This is truly a New Day, and a New Way.

August 17. Tomorrow. It's not just any day. It's not just any Tuesday...tomorrow, I enter a 9 month missions and discipleship program called Global Bootcamp, along with my friends Briana Yankie, Colin Weaver, Angela Detweiler and Brad Oliver( The coolest, most passionate and best friends I could have asked God for!)I feel so blessed, honored, and excited to get to serve with these 4 people. They have been my closest friends over the past several years, and I cannot wait to walk through this season with them.

Global Bootcamp will consist of 5 months of classes- including learning Spanish..and local missions trips and service projects around Nashville. After the 5 months are finished we will pack up our suitcases and move to a foreign country for 3 months. The Location is TBD..(they're looking at Mexico or Dominican Republic) but to be honest...I do not have a preference...I will go ANYWHERE! And I know the rest of the gang will too!

Man, it's almost like Christmas, ya know? Like you wait for it all year...and Christmas Eve is like the hardest night...That's how I feel! I have been counting down to this day for over a year now. I wish I could describe to you how I feel...excited...nervous....EXCITED....expectant, ready...EXCITED...and many many more emotions. I just can't believe it's here. It's here!! Senior Year is done, Graduation is done, High school is done, I am here. I am truly moving onto a NEW chapter in my life... like, REALLY new.

A new season of serving.
A new season of worshiping.
A new season of friendships.
A new season of commitments.
A new season of leadership.
A new season of submission.
A new season of listening.
A new season of growing.
A new season of partnering.
A new season of learning.

These next 9 months, I know will twist me, turn me inside out, push me, strip me, teach me, grow me, stretch me....but I want it. I need it. I am ready for it. I am ready for change.

So here's to tomorrow..Day 1 of the 9 months that know will change the way I love, the way I serve, and the the way I live.

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