Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 2

Today we had time with the student interns at Debrief.. it was awesome to hear from Toni about schedule... and about not letting old things into our new season.. just what I needed to hear. it is also where we found out we would NOT be starting classes today but next week. So today we had our first Spanish lesson! it was AMAZING! I cannot wait to know and have this language to speak with those in whatever country we go to! Bryan our teacher was telling us that each gift we have is a tool.. and the gift of language and spanish is a tool.

tonight we celebrated Brads birthday. It was so fun.. his mom made us 5 dinner and we laughed.. and laughed.. and laughed so much...this is already such a fun season to be in and I cannot wait to see the growth we all encounter as we move forward as a group and as individuals. we spent time praying over him, exhorting him, and encouraging him with his whole family and Rachel Empey and Amy Conner:) so much fun talking with them. Then Lisa wanted to pray for us GBCers. it was such a powerful time. Please be praying for us for;
unity within our team. That we would not allow the enemy ANY room in our hearts, minds, or lives!!!
provision: this program is not free;) pray that God would provide for us in miraculous ways, testing our faith and trust in Him!
wisdom: wisdom for our schedules.. how much to work, how much to spend resting, what to do with "free time", setting up study time.

those are just a few things to pray for us.
thanks everyone for your prayers. I, we appreciate and need them so much.

I'm tired. Again. and Mitch STILL has not told us our mentors:) Lords teachin me patience!!!
Goodnight all!

/// Hannah

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