hello all!
in short, what i am currently learning can be summed up and described by this passage; proverbs 3. I am learning that the word of God is not a "spoonful of sugar" that mary poppins sings about. His word is thick snd strong prescriptive medicine for my soul; and descriptive of how i should live my life. I must obey!! i must believe EVERY word
He says because His word is TRUTH!!! Despite my ferlings, my circumstances, my thoughts my beliefs my assumptions, my perspective, His word is truth!!!!! i can stand on it, knowing I am secured by the promises He has made in His word. i must trust, obry, love, live, and worship DESPITE what im feeling. I can no longer live by my feelings but by the word of God....
proverbs 3
1 Good friend, don’t forget all I’ve taught you;
take to heart my commands.
2 They’ll help you live a long, long time,
a long life lived full and well.
3 Don’t lose your grip on Love and Loyalty.
Tie them around your neck; carve their initials on your heart.
4 Earn a reputation for living well
in God’s eyes and the eyes of the people.
5 Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
don’t try to figure out everything on your own.
6 Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
he’s the one who will keep you on track.
7 Don’t assume that you know it all.
Run to God! Run from evil!
8 Your body will glow with health,
your very bones will vibrate with life!
9 Honor God with everything you own;
give him the first and the best.
10 Your barns will burst,
your wine vats will brim over.
11 But don’t, dear friend, resent God’s discipline;
don’t sulk under his loving correction.
12 It’s the child he loves that God corrects;
a father’s delight is behind all this.
The Very Tree of Life
13 You’re blessed when you meet Lady Wisdom,
when you make friends with Madame Insight.
14 She’s worth far more than money in the bank;
her friendship is better than a big salary.
15 Her value exceeds all the trappings of wealth;
nothing you could wish for holds a candle to her.
16 With one hand she gives long life,
with the other she confers recognition.
17 Her manner is beautiful,
her life wonderfully complete.
18 She’s the very Tree of Life to those who embrace her.
Hold her tight—and be blessed!
19 With Lady Wisdom, God formed Earth;
with Madame Insight, he raised Heaven.
20 They knew when to signal rivers and springs to the surface,
and dew to descend from the night skies.
Never Walk Away
21 Dear friend, guard Clear Thinking and Common Sense with your life;
don’t for a minute lose sight of them.
22 They’ll keep your soul alive and well,
they’ll keep you fit and attractive.
23 You’ll travel safely,
you’ll neither tire nor trip.
24 You’ll take afternoon naps without a worry,
you’ll enjoy a good night’s sleep.
25 No need to panic over alarms or surprises,
or predictions that doomsday’s just around the corner,
26 Because God will be right there with you;
he’ll keep you safe and sound.
27 Never walk away from someone who deserves help;
your hand is God’s hand for that person.
28 Don’t tell your neighbor, “Maybe some other time,”
or, “Try me tomorrow,”
when the money’s right there in your pocket.
29 Don’t figure ways of taking advantage of your neighbor
when he’s sitting there trusting and unsuspecting.
30 Don’t walk around with a chip on your shoulder,
always spoiling for a fight.
31 Don’t try to be like those who shoulder their way through life.
Why be a bully?
32 “Why not?” you say. Because God can’t stand twisted souls.
It’s the straightforward who get his respect.
33 God’s curse blights the house of the wicked,
but he blesses the home of the righteous.
34 He gives proud skeptics a cold shoulder,
but if you’re down on your luck, he’s right there to help.
35 Wise living gets rewarded with honor;
stupid living gets the booby prize.
/// Hannah
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Life lately(Update of October and beginning of NOvember
Fall has begun! Can't say I'm overly excited for that fact. Fall brings so much change including the weather...I am just a sunshine-lovin girl. SO it's hard to walk outside and have the sun be invisible meanwhile the cold weather is completely tangible...but surprisingly the past few days have been BEAUTIFUL. get this...yesterday I sat outside doing GBC homework..and I...got...a.....SUNTAN! YAYYY!!can you believe it? Only in Tennessee:)
Anyway. I doubt any of you care about the weather. Or even want to read about it. I guess IM trying to get away from the fact that I haven't posted since October 10...whoops?:) Time flies. And it has flown since May when I graduated High school.
Living life in this program has been..wow. There isn't one word to describe it simply...it has been full of testing, REFINING, changing, laughing, crying..and delighful, fulll of fun and spontaneity.
So EXCITING UPDATES ON THE TRIP...I want to sound like a newscaster so: THIS JUST IN:)
....you're not drumrolling:)!
OK that's better...ehem..
*WE LEAVE SATURDAY JANUARY 26 from New Song at 6 AM!
*THEN WE TRAVEL UP TO DA ATL(THAT'S ATLANTA GEORGIA for all ya'll who ain't from the south.)
*WE depart from Atlanta airport and fly straight through Miami where we will then...
*ARRIVE IN SANTIAGO DOMINICAN REPUBLIC!!!!! ESTOY MUY EMOCIONADA( why yes, I HAVE been practicing my spanish, thank you:)
Guys. GUYS! IM going to live in a foreign country for 3 months....We leave in 2 and a half months!
Pastor John sat us down and told us all kinds of information today.
Unfortunately his sarcastic British humor shoots down every question I have:) So i can't tell you the color of the apartments(to me its very important)but what I DO know is that:
*we're located on the 6th floor of 7..the 7th is the roof where you can look over the entire city!( I cannot wait to spend my secret placce time with God there..although it may not be so secret since the other 5 team members will want to be up there too)
*ALl 6 of us are staying in one apartment. There are 5 rooms in it. Angela, Briana, and I are sharing a room. Bunkbeds and a regular bed and we will share a bathroom.
*the guys have a separate room with like 8 bunks in it because there may be other teams coming to stay with us while we're down there!
* we're each going to be responsible for cooking and cleaning..be praying for us for supernatural cooking abilities:)
uhmm hmm what else.
We will be going to teach in a local school. Different lessons on integrity and self-esteem and such..meanwhile we will slip Jesus in the personal conversations:)
A lot of the ministry we're doing will be event-oriented, doing local outreaches with music, worship, kid's ministry, and dramas, and dances...but I'll leave the dancing part to Angela and Briana and Bryan:)
OH! 50 yards from our beautiful and lovely apartment there is a marketplace, pharmacy, movie theater, and mall! Yes part of me is excited merely for the fact that those shopping places are so close, but what I am really excited for is the fact that these are the hangout places for the local youth..CHACHING! Ministry!
OH almost forgot...we come home Saturday April 26..but I'm not gonna think about that yet:)
Please be praying for me. For each of us..Angela, Brad, Colin, Bryan and Briana! Each of us arte still trusting God for His provision of money in this time...we each need a pretty substantial amount. If you can support me financially in ANY way, email me at HANNAHJETER@GMAIL.COM and I'll give you more info.
I need about $2,500 more dollars. God's gonna bring it in. I know He will. Please seek if you are to be a part of giving! Thanks for reading. My words tend to come out exactly how I think them!
Love you GUYS!!!
i will attempt to set a goal for myself and say that I will update in about 15 days..toward the middle of the month? with more updates and a post on what God is doing and changing in my life.
Anyway. I doubt any of you care about the weather. Or even want to read about it. I guess IM trying to get away from the fact that I haven't posted since October 10...whoops?:) Time flies. And it has flown since May when I graduated High school.
Living life in this program has been..wow. There isn't one word to describe it simply...it has been full of testing, REFINING, changing, laughing, crying..and delighful, fulll of fun and spontaneity.
So EXCITING UPDATES ON THE TRIP...I want to sound like a newscaster so: THIS JUST IN:)
....you're not drumrolling:)!
OK that's better...ehem..
*WE LEAVE SATURDAY JANUARY 26 from New Song at 6 AM!
*THEN WE TRAVEL UP TO DA ATL(THAT'S ATLANTA GEORGIA for all ya'll who ain't from the south.)
*WE depart from Atlanta airport and fly straight through Miami where we will then...
*ARRIVE IN SANTIAGO DOMINICAN REPUBLIC!!!!! ESTOY MUY EMOCIONADA( why yes, I HAVE been practicing my spanish, thank you:)
Guys. GUYS! IM going to live in a foreign country for 3 months....We leave in 2 and a half months!
Pastor John sat us down and told us all kinds of information today.
Unfortunately his sarcastic British humor shoots down every question I have:) So i can't tell you the color of the apartments(to me its very important)but what I DO know is that:
*we're located on the 6th floor of 7..the 7th is the roof where you can look over the entire city!( I cannot wait to spend my secret placce time with God there..although it may not be so secret since the other 5 team members will want to be up there too)
*ALl 6 of us are staying in one apartment. There are 5 rooms in it. Angela, Briana, and I are sharing a room. Bunkbeds and a regular bed and we will share a bathroom.
*the guys have a separate room with like 8 bunks in it because there may be other teams coming to stay with us while we're down there!
* we're each going to be responsible for cooking and cleaning..be praying for us for supernatural cooking abilities:)
uhmm hmm what else.
We will be going to teach in a local school. Different lessons on integrity and self-esteem and such..meanwhile we will slip Jesus in the personal conversations:)
A lot of the ministry we're doing will be event-oriented, doing local outreaches with music, worship, kid's ministry, and dramas, and dances...but I'll leave the dancing part to Angela and Briana and Bryan:)
OH! 50 yards from our beautiful and lovely apartment there is a marketplace, pharmacy, movie theater, and mall! Yes part of me is excited merely for the fact that those shopping places are so close, but what I am really excited for is the fact that these are the hangout places for the local youth..CHACHING! Ministry!
OH almost forgot...we come home Saturday April 26..but I'm not gonna think about that yet:)
Please be praying for me. For each of us..Angela, Brad, Colin, Bryan and Briana! Each of us arte still trusting God for His provision of money in this time...we each need a pretty substantial amount. If you can support me financially in ANY way, email me at HANNAHJETER@GMAIL.COM and I'll give you more info.
I need about $2,500 more dollars. God's gonna bring it in. I know He will. Please seek if you are to be a part of giving! Thanks for reading. My words tend to come out exactly how I think them!
Love you GUYS!!!
i will attempt to set a goal for myself and say that I will update in about 15 days..toward the middle of the month? with more updates and a post on what God is doing and changing in my life.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The Holy Spirit is moving in me. God is gutting me from the inside out. He is consecrating me and saturating me with His holiness and His awesomeness( I don't mean that in the way the world uses the word)
here is something spoken to me tonight written from the Lord.
"You are much too easily satisfied
you gorge yourself in death, but cry out for life..
like a bird, you see a shiny object hoping to gather it for yourself to make your nest more
you are easily distracted
and deterred
you give your heart to anyone and everything that asks
feasting your eyes upon things that will never last
you settle for
the ordinary
when you have been offered
the extraordinary
you have lost your minds
to this world
you have lost your hearts
to this culture
you have lost your hunger
for My Taste
you have lost your sight
of My Face
going from extravagance
riches and glory
to selfishness poverty and mediocrity
you mistake truth for lies
you accept death, rejecting my sacrifice
you have become an unfaithful Bride
drawing near with your lips,
drawing near in the night
but when the morning comes
and with it, daylight
you run and hide
cause you're ashamed of their eyes
you don't want them to see who you love
because you're ashamed of Me...
I've given you all of me
My Son, the spotless One...
do you remember what He gave for you to be free?
Oh my love! why have you forsaken Me?
as your Lover I care for you
I watch you, I provide
why do you forsake Me night after night?
I've promised you goodness, yet you settle for less
What I have for you is Heavenly; it
comes from above! Don't you see?
I am jealous for My Beloved
I long to love you, to hold you.
I long to comfort and console you.
I long to provide shelter and refuge
but all you do is refuse!
come back to Me...
I will not forsake you
return to Me...
cause I have never left you
I desire for you to be Mine
Im ever jealous for you
come to Me..
My arms are ever Open..."
the world begs you for your heart. the enemy is the ruler of the kingdom of darkness of this world, and He perverts every good thing. Don't buy into it. Stop filling yourselves in pleasure. Stop gorging yourselves with worldly desires. Stop feasting your eyes upon the things from this world... look UP! stop acting Like the world and call yourselves Christian! How can we be a light if we ourselves are in darkness?
the Lord gave me a picture of a cleaning supply closet
in it there were bottles of cleaning solutions, all correctly labeled but there was one that looked different. It had a nice looking bottle but when you opened up and looked inside, you could smell that it was toxic poison. just like the cautions and warnings on cleaning supplies, we must heed the warnings of our God. there are things in this world disguised as beautiful, but will rot and tear us up from the inside out.
the world is begging us for time.. our heart... our life.. our love, affection.. our devotion... our allegiance.
Those who call yourselves Christians....lets give all those things to the One who deserves it. Let's give HONOR AND GLORY to our king, our Father, our awesome God! let's return to our first love... He desires us...
/// Hannah
here is something spoken to me tonight written from the Lord.
"You are much too easily satisfied
you gorge yourself in death, but cry out for life..
like a bird, you see a shiny object hoping to gather it for yourself to make your nest more
you are easily distracted
and deterred
you give your heart to anyone and everything that asks
feasting your eyes upon things that will never last
you settle for
the ordinary
when you have been offered
the extraordinary
you have lost your minds
to this world
you have lost your hearts
to this culture
you have lost your hunger
for My Taste
you have lost your sight
of My Face
going from extravagance
riches and glory
to selfishness poverty and mediocrity
you mistake truth for lies
you accept death, rejecting my sacrifice
you have become an unfaithful Bride
drawing near with your lips,
drawing near in the night
but when the morning comes
and with it, daylight
you run and hide
cause you're ashamed of their eyes
you don't want them to see who you love
because you're ashamed of Me...
I've given you all of me
My Son, the spotless One...
do you remember what He gave for you to be free?
Oh my love! why have you forsaken Me?
as your Lover I care for you
I watch you, I provide
why do you forsake Me night after night?
I've promised you goodness, yet you settle for less
What I have for you is Heavenly; it
comes from above! Don't you see?
I am jealous for My Beloved
I long to love you, to hold you.
I long to comfort and console you.
I long to provide shelter and refuge
but all you do is refuse!
come back to Me...
I will not forsake you
return to Me...
cause I have never left you
I desire for you to be Mine
Im ever jealous for you
come to Me..
My arms are ever Open..."
the world begs you for your heart. the enemy is the ruler of the kingdom of darkness of this world, and He perverts every good thing. Don't buy into it. Stop filling yourselves in pleasure. Stop gorging yourselves with worldly desires. Stop feasting your eyes upon the things from this world... look UP! stop acting Like the world and call yourselves Christian! How can we be a light if we ourselves are in darkness?
the Lord gave me a picture of a cleaning supply closet
in it there were bottles of cleaning solutions, all correctly labeled but there was one that looked different. It had a nice looking bottle but when you opened up and looked inside, you could smell that it was toxic poison. just like the cautions and warnings on cleaning supplies, we must heed the warnings of our God. there are things in this world disguised as beautiful, but will rot and tear us up from the inside out.
the world is begging us for time.. our heart... our life.. our love, affection.. our devotion... our allegiance.
Those who call yourselves Christians....lets give all those things to the One who deserves it. Let's give HONOR AND GLORY to our king, our Father, our awesome God! let's return to our first love... He desires us...
/// Hannah
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Yikes. I'm so glad you guys can't hurt me through the internet:) I have been a horrible steward of this blog...but honestly there isn't a day goes by that I dont think about writing..it's just that everytime I do..something else comes up!
I'm going to ATTEMPT..note that word...to describe the past month to you.
SO SO SO much has happened. But to start off...
God is faithful. God is our Redeemer. God is our Saviour, He is our King, He is our source of provision, of life, of food, of shelter, of refuge..and of ALL things GOOD!
The past month has proven that, to put it bluntly, I'm not as great, as humble, on top of things as I thought I was...God is purging and purifying me in a way like never before. He is purifying my heart, and He is purging my mind and my thoughts. He is challenging me..to believe in Him and His promises..to trust HIM and His word. To believe that He IS who He says He is...He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is showing me that He is after my heart..He is teaching me that consistency first starts with HIm and then flows into everything. That fellowship starts with my fellowship with Him and then flows into my other relationships.
That when I seek first the KIngdom..all else will be added. That I need not worry, because He is a provider of all good things.
He is teaching me that I must say yes BEFORE He even tells me what to do. That I must be obedient and willing for Him to use me. That I must be open to whatever He has for me, even if it doesn't seem possible. He is teaching me to wait patiently before Him. He is changing my desires. He is changing my heart for the lost, for the saved, for the orphans, for the broken, for the poor, for the hopeless, for the helpless..for the world. He is teaching me humility, and that it is MY choice to make. He is deepening my understand of who He is and who he ever will be. He is showing me the depth of His love and HIs jealousy for not only me, but for all of mankind. That He longs for every human to come into right relationship with Him through His son Jesus Christ.
He is teaching me patience by showing me patience. He is teaching me love, joy, kindness by showing me love, joy, and kindness. He is teaching me compassion on an even greater level than I thought i could ever have. He is showing me that Love is a choice: I must choose to love Him and His people, His creations. He is teaching me that worship is not only music, it is every moment of everyday, presenting myself as a living sacrfice to Him. He is showing me that He does not play Hide and Seek. He asks us to seek Him and His face and His will and His plan for the earth and He will show us all those things.
He is showing me that He is a good Father, that He longs to not just give me the minimum of my needs, but He wants to give me the innermost desire of my heart. He is showing me the importance of this season of singleness. That He is preparing me to be a wife, a mother. He is teaching me servanthood. Servanthood is selfless and if it's not selfless..it's not servanthood! Service is a lifestyle and not just something we do every once in awhile. God is teaching me that I must be faithful in little before He can entrust to me much...so much more..I could litterally go on for paragraph after paragraph....BUt let me update you on the program specifically:
*Mitch is my mentor:)
* We are now working ON wednesdays tutoring Somali-bantu students!(first day tomorrow)
*Fridays we are working at the Second Harvest Food Bank.
* Saturdays we have started helping out with ESL classes, leading worship, working with kids, and helping teach english! ( I love people..especially foreign ones...so this is one of my favorites:)
I will be sending out support letters within the week(if you would like for me to send you one, shoot me an email at hannahjeter@gmail.com.
Serving the Lord across the world ain't cheap...I need some moolah! $1000 is used for the program while here in the US, and $3,000 will be paying for food, airfare, and board as we stay in the DR.(Dominican Republic; im gonna abbreviate it to "DR" cause it's too long to type out:)
If you can support me financially, I would be so grateful. I know God has called me to this season, and I know He will provide.
Right now I only have $1500. We are at the point now where Mitch and John(the directors) have to put down money for the plane tickets, and for room and board, etc....
the final payments are due as follows:
October 1(a few days ago):$500
November 1: $500
December 1: $500
January 1: $500
Please be praying if you can help partner with and support me financially.
again if you would like for me to send you one, shoot me an email at hannahjeter@gmail.com.
please be praying for our team as well:
*creative ways to earn money
*unity withing our team, learning to love each other, and have compassion on each other.
an even greater level of boldness to share the gospel fearlessly and shamelessly!
Thanks so much for reading. Sorry for being so bad at keeping up with this thing. I may start doing video blogs too.....hmmm...:) another day, another time.
Friday, September 3, 2010
I never imagined in my greatest dreams that GBC would become what it has. Through this program , God has exceeded every expectation I've ever had! He has literally and figuratively blown my mind up... I no longer think or look the same.. and I am still changing. So much has happened the last 3 weeks. I'll find time to process and tell you more. But tonight I want to share something weighing heavily on my heart.....
Today we worked at second harvest food bank at New Song Woodbine. I met many people..Jones Lovely Joseph, a young woman from Haiti, Zabrata an Nahit two woman from Iran,and Christina a woman from Nashville....
but out of all of those people, a couple named Peder and Afra convicted my heart.. my life, my blindness to the world....
As I began to talk to Peder and Afra they were joyous; so bubbly and smiley...They are black, their skin is beautiful. Their teeth and smiles were so bright in contrast to their dark skin. They looked happy, although it was clear they had nothing to be happy about. there was pain in their eyes. I could read it immediately. I asked them where the came from, ad they replied Sudan. and then I asked why they moved to the US... ad his response will forever e etched in my memory.. He asked me a simple, heart-wrenching, and heartrending question.." Do you not know what is going on in my country?" I felt embarrassed, convicted, I grew red in the face as I realized that no, I had no idea what was really going on in Sudan. Peders simple question caused m heart to stir all throughout the day.
I am not aware. Clearly, my eyes and my focus and my perspective on the world and its people and God and his people needs to be changed even more... God open my eyes. get me out of this comfort.break me. use me! Mold me oh God! I want to become like putty within your hands ready to be shaped into whatever is needed! Pray that today. ALLOW HIM ACCESS! let him break the mold you have set yourself in. if we call ourselves Christians we must follow in Christs footsteps.. He was aware of the cultures around him and the troubles they were facing. So we must. How can we say we stand for Cgrist and His Kingdom if we know nothing about what is going on?
I say to you. stop it. stop being selfish. arrogant prideful self sufficient.. stop closin your eyes and turnin your face when the news comes on... we must grow in our awareness for the NATIONs and with that, we must grow to an even greater level of prayer for them. Pray for Peder and Afra who have begun new lives here with their children, and pray for those in Sudan who have not yet escaped the Hell going on there. BE RUINED FOR THE ORDINARY, and the typical. shift our focus from yourself, to God and the Earth!! I have more to say but I need sleep.. tomorrow we go to help do yardwork and hedgework at Freedom middle school! Talk to you guys soon
Please pray for:
Sudan and the war
Second Barvet Food bank( provision of food and funds)
unity within our GBC team
Mercy chikdrens clinic( provision of funds and business partners)
thank you all for our prayers!!!!:)
/// Hannah
Today we worked at second harvest food bank at New Song Woodbine. I met many people..Jones Lovely Joseph, a young woman from Haiti, Zabrata an Nahit two woman from Iran,and Christina a woman from Nashville....
but out of all of those people, a couple named Peder and Afra convicted my heart.. my life, my blindness to the world....
As I began to talk to Peder and Afra they were joyous; so bubbly and smiley...They are black, their skin is beautiful. Their teeth and smiles were so bright in contrast to their dark skin. They looked happy, although it was clear they had nothing to be happy about. there was pain in their eyes. I could read it immediately. I asked them where the came from, ad they replied Sudan. and then I asked why they moved to the US... ad his response will forever e etched in my memory.. He asked me a simple, heart-wrenching, and heartrending question.." Do you not know what is going on in my country?" I felt embarrassed, convicted, I grew red in the face as I realized that no, I had no idea what was really going on in Sudan. Peders simple question caused m heart to stir all throughout the day.
I am not aware. Clearly, my eyes and my focus and my perspective on the world and its people and God and his people needs to be changed even more... God open my eyes. get me out of this comfort.break me. use me! Mold me oh God! I want to become like putty within your hands ready to be shaped into whatever is needed! Pray that today. ALLOW HIM ACCESS! let him break the mold you have set yourself in. if we call ourselves Christians we must follow in Christs footsteps.. He was aware of the cultures around him and the troubles they were facing. So we must. How can we say we stand for Cgrist and His Kingdom if we know nothing about what is going on?
I say to you. stop it. stop being selfish. arrogant prideful self sufficient.. stop closin your eyes and turnin your face when the news comes on... we must grow in our awareness for the NATIONs and with that, we must grow to an even greater level of prayer for them. Pray for Peder and Afra who have begun new lives here with their children, and pray for those in Sudan who have not yet escaped the Hell going on there. BE RUINED FOR THE ORDINARY, and the typical. shift our focus from yourself, to God and the Earth!! I have more to say but I need sleep.. tomorrow we go to help do yardwork and hedgework at Freedom middle school! Talk to you guys soon
Please pray for:
Sudan and the war
Second Barvet Food bank( provision of food and funds)
unity within our GBC team
Mercy chikdrens clinic( provision of funds and business partners)
thank you all for our prayers!!!!:)
/// Hannah
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Day 3
man this program is exhausting in a good way. We haven't even really done much but I feel like vie been doing so much by the end of the day! Tomorrow we go to our first outreach... I can't wait!!!
Today we first took the spiritual gifts test... my first gift is COMPASSION... and that was everyone elses lowest!!! it was so funny to hear each persons unique giftings. Angela is a perceived ( surprise, surprise:) as well as Brad and Colin.
we also had our first Old Testament class... spoken in english AND Spanish:) Yay!
I LOVED learning just simple stuff and basic stuff about the word and why the old testament is so important and vital.
tonight we met at Joey Profitts House and had dinner with us GBCers and another missions group called Tracks... something. I feel bad... I Can't remember the name... But I DO remember their names! We had a meeting about First Priority and how we will be partnering with different high school campuses around the greater Nashville Area. I cannot wait to get back into high school... to the world that may sound crazy but I has a heart and passion for my generation that grows everyday... I want them to learn from my mistakes, and grow from that point into a greater person... and ultimately for them to come to know Jesus Christ! I want to show them love, affection, compassion, and serve them, not so they see me but so they will see Christ.
be in prayer for the high and middle schools around the area ad the youth pastors or greater unity and involvement in the local youths lives!!!
Thanks all! Goodnight: I maybe able to blog more this weekend when I have time to actually sit down, breathe, and think:)
Today we first took the spiritual gifts test... my first gift is COMPASSION... and that was everyone elses lowest!!! it was so funny to hear each persons unique giftings. Angela is a perceived ( surprise, surprise:) as well as Brad and Colin.
we also had our first Old Testament class... spoken in english AND Spanish:) Yay!
I LOVED learning just simple stuff and basic stuff about the word and why the old testament is so important and vital.
tonight we met at Joey Profitts House and had dinner with us GBCers and another missions group called Tracks... something. I feel bad... I Can't remember the name... But I DO remember their names! We had a meeting about First Priority and how we will be partnering with different high school campuses around the greater Nashville Area. I cannot wait to get back into high school... to the world that may sound crazy but I has a heart and passion for my generation that grows everyday... I want them to learn from my mistakes, and grow from that point into a greater person... and ultimately for them to come to know Jesus Christ! I want to show them love, affection, compassion, and serve them, not so they see me but so they will see Christ.
be in prayer for the high and middle schools around the area ad the youth pastors or greater unity and involvement in the local youths lives!!!
Thanks all! Goodnight: I maybe able to blog more this weekend when I have time to actually sit down, breathe, and think:)
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Day 2
Today we had time with the student interns at Debrief.. it was awesome to hear from Toni about schedule... and about not letting old things into our new season.. just what I needed to hear. it is also where we found out we would NOT be starting classes today but next week. So today we had our first Spanish lesson! it was AMAZING! I cannot wait to know and have this language to speak with those in whatever country we go to! Bryan our teacher was telling us that each gift we have is a tool.. and the gift of language and spanish is a tool.
tonight we celebrated Brads birthday. It was so fun.. his mom made us 5 dinner and we laughed.. and laughed.. and laughed so much...this is already such a fun season to be in and I cannot wait to see the growth we all encounter as we move forward as a group and as individuals. we spent time praying over him, exhorting him, and encouraging him with his whole family and Rachel Empey and Amy Conner:) so much fun talking with them. Then Lisa wanted to pray for us GBCers. it was such a powerful time. Please be praying for us for;
unity within our team. That we would not allow the enemy ANY room in our hearts, minds, or lives!!!
provision: this program is not free;) pray that God would provide for us in miraculous ways, testing our faith and trust in Him!
wisdom: wisdom for our schedules.. how much to work, how much to spend resting, what to do with "free time", setting up study time.
those are just a few things to pray for us.
thanks everyone for your prayers. I, we appreciate and need them so much.
I'm tired. Again. and Mitch STILL has not told us our mentors:) Lords teachin me patience!!!
Goodnight all!
/// Hannah
tonight we celebrated Brads birthday. It was so fun.. his mom made us 5 dinner and we laughed.. and laughed.. and laughed so much...this is already such a fun season to be in and I cannot wait to see the growth we all encounter as we move forward as a group and as individuals. we spent time praying over him, exhorting him, and encouraging him with his whole family and Rachel Empey and Amy Conner:) so much fun talking with them. Then Lisa wanted to pray for us GBCers. it was such a powerful time. Please be praying for us for;
unity within our team. That we would not allow the enemy ANY room in our hearts, minds, or lives!!!
provision: this program is not free;) pray that God would provide for us in miraculous ways, testing our faith and trust in Him!
wisdom: wisdom for our schedules.. how much to work, how much to spend resting, what to do with "free time", setting up study time.
those are just a few things to pray for us.
thanks everyone for your prayers. I, we appreciate and need them so much.
I'm tired. Again. and Mitch STILL has not told us our mentors:) Lords teachin me patience!!!
Goodnight all!
/// Hannah
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Day 1- Orientation
Wow. I'm on information overload. Today was crazy! we got to church by 8 and had a time of worship that was just purely worshippers wholeheartedly worshipping the Lord. It was amazing to be a part... whereas in Uturn we are really learning to let our voices be heard while speaking praise during the waiting time, and instrumental breaks and such... this morning... it was like a roar of praise.. I could hear all the voices rising up to praise our Savior. It was beautiful, it was powerful. It was comforting. The lord comforted my fears, I silenced the enemy and allowed myself to grow excited during worship! Then Pastor Dale got up and spoke and ( as usual) it hit me to the core. His words are so convicting, his passion and His fervor so contagious!
we then proceeded to have what will become a Tuesday morning routine- Family Breakfast! So much fun being with all the leaders, all the pastors, all the new people, and new faces. I loved it.. it was a beautiful picture of genders and generations.
After that we moved onto our "classroom"... which is the new Song nursery:)! and Morgan talked with us for a little while, and then Mitch came in and asked if we liked coffee.. to which everyone responded yes EXCEPT for Brad... so Mitch decided to move us to Starbucks... yay! I LOVE spontaneity!
This became our orientation time that started off with Mitch telling us her story, her testimony. it was truly incredible. The redemptive power of Christ. How he can take someone so broken, so battered, so addicted, so stuck... and make them into a woman like Mitch!! I aspire to be like her in so many ways... how she carries herself, how she uses her humor and her personality, how she spends her time so purposefully... I cannot wait to get to know her more. Oh yeah, were gonna find out our mentors tomorrow.. she wouldn't tell us today!!!!! so I cannot wait to find out who it is the Lord has assigned to me for the next 9 months!!!
Anyway, then Morgan shared a little of her testimony which was as well a powerful picture of Gods love and undying pursuit of us as His children! Then we got down to the Nitty Gritty as Nacho Libre so eloquently puts it.
we went through a couple hours of reading through the packets and listening to the heart of the program and asking questions and getting logistical stuff figured out.
So that's basically it! it was a good first day... I cant wait to get rollin and get out in the community and start DOING!I'm very tired. It's late. I have to be up in 6 hours. Goodnight all.
we then proceeded to have what will become a Tuesday morning routine- Family Breakfast! So much fun being with all the leaders, all the pastors, all the new people, and new faces. I loved it.. it was a beautiful picture of genders and generations.
After that we moved onto our "classroom"... which is the new Song nursery:)! and Morgan talked with us for a little while, and then Mitch came in and asked if we liked coffee.. to which everyone responded yes EXCEPT for Brad... so Mitch decided to move us to Starbucks... yay! I LOVE spontaneity!
This became our orientation time that started off with Mitch telling us her story, her testimony. it was truly incredible. The redemptive power of Christ. How he can take someone so broken, so battered, so addicted, so stuck... and make them into a woman like Mitch!! I aspire to be like her in so many ways... how she carries herself, how she uses her humor and her personality, how she spends her time so purposefully... I cannot wait to get to know her more. Oh yeah, were gonna find out our mentors tomorrow.. she wouldn't tell us today!!!!! so I cannot wait to find out who it is the Lord has assigned to me for the next 9 months!!!
Anyway, then Morgan shared a little of her testimony which was as well a powerful picture of Gods love and undying pursuit of us as His children! Then we got down to the Nitty Gritty as Nacho Libre so eloquently puts it.
we went through a couple hours of reading through the packets and listening to the heart of the program and asking questions and getting logistical stuff figured out.
So that's basically it! it was a good first day... I cant wait to get rollin and get out in the community and start DOING!I'm very tired. It's late. I have to be up in 6 hours. Goodnight all.
Monday, August 16, 2010
New Way, New Day
My mentor Danielle wrote that phrase in a card she recently wrote to me. This is truly a New Day, and a New Way.
August 17. Tomorrow. It's not just any day. It's not just any Tuesday...tomorrow, I enter a 9 month missions and discipleship program called Global Bootcamp, along with my friends Briana Yankie, Colin Weaver, Angela Detweiler and Brad Oliver( The coolest, most passionate and best friends I could have asked God for!)I feel so blessed, honored, and excited to get to serve with these 4 people. They have been my closest friends over the past several years, and I cannot wait to walk through this season with them.
Global Bootcamp will consist of 5 months of classes- including learning Spanish..and local missions trips and service projects around Nashville. After the 5 months are finished we will pack up our suitcases and move to a foreign country for 3 months. The Location is TBD..(they're looking at Mexico or Dominican Republic) but to be honest...I do not have a preference...I will go ANYWHERE! And I know the rest of the gang will too!
Man, it's almost like Christmas, ya know? Like you wait for it all year...and Christmas Eve is like the hardest night...That's how I feel! I have been counting down to this day for over a year now. I wish I could describe to you how I feel...excited...nervous....EXCITED....expectant, ready...EXCITED...and many many more emotions. I just can't believe it's here. It's here!! Senior Year is done, Graduation is done, High school is done, I am here. I am truly moving onto a NEW chapter in my life... like, REALLY new.
A new season of serving.
A new season of worshiping.
A new season of friendships.
A new season of commitments.
A new season of leadership.
A new season of submission.
A new season of listening.
A new season of growing.
A new season of partnering.
A new season of learning.
These next 9 months, I know will twist me, turn me inside out, push me, strip me, teach me, grow me, stretch me....but I want it. I need it. I am ready for it. I am ready for change.
So here's to tomorrow..Day 1 of the 9 months that know will change the way I love, the way I serve, and the the way I live.
My mentor Danielle wrote that phrase in a card she recently wrote to me. This is truly a New Day, and a New Way.
August 17. Tomorrow. It's not just any day. It's not just any Tuesday...tomorrow, I enter a 9 month missions and discipleship program called Global Bootcamp, along with my friends Briana Yankie, Colin Weaver, Angela Detweiler and Brad Oliver( The coolest, most passionate and best friends I could have asked God for!)I feel so blessed, honored, and excited to get to serve with these 4 people. They have been my closest friends over the past several years, and I cannot wait to walk through this season with them.
Global Bootcamp will consist of 5 months of classes- including learning Spanish..and local missions trips and service projects around Nashville. After the 5 months are finished we will pack up our suitcases and move to a foreign country for 3 months. The Location is TBD..(they're looking at Mexico or Dominican Republic) but to be honest...I do not have a preference...I will go ANYWHERE! And I know the rest of the gang will too!
Man, it's almost like Christmas, ya know? Like you wait for it all year...and Christmas Eve is like the hardest night...That's how I feel! I have been counting down to this day for over a year now. I wish I could describe to you how I feel...excited...nervous....EXCITED....expectant, ready...EXCITED...and many many more emotions. I just can't believe it's here. It's here!! Senior Year is done, Graduation is done, High school is done, I am here. I am truly moving onto a NEW chapter in my life... like, REALLY new.
A new season of serving.
A new season of worshiping.
A new season of friendships.
A new season of commitments.
A new season of leadership.
A new season of submission.
A new season of listening.
A new season of growing.
A new season of partnering.
A new season of learning.
These next 9 months, I know will twist me, turn me inside out, push me, strip me, teach me, grow me, stretch me....but I want it. I need it. I am ready for it. I am ready for change.
So here's to tomorrow..Day 1 of the 9 months that know will change the way I love, the way I serve, and the the way I live.
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